Scattered thoughts

Well hello. Good Morning to anyone who decides to read this.
Although frankly If you don’t read it or care to read this
I won’t be hurt.
I just like writing and getting my thoughts and feelings out there so here I am.

First off I haven’t been so sleep all night and it’s like 8am.
I swear Im nocturnal.
But these nocturnal tendencies really need to end
because im pretty sure it’s soooo unhealthy to sleep all day stay up all night
and then take numerous naps during the day.

My mind seems to be wandering a lot this morning so bare with me.

I always wonder why bad things happen in life.
Is it to teach us a lesson?
Or prove we can make it through some shit?
Or maybe it’s because bad things happen no matter how hard you try to avoid them.

And why does the universe bring us towards the people who
are going to hurt us the most.
Why does the universe let you meet people who are one day going to hurt you?
I guess I’ll never know.

Also completely un related not that I really have a set topic here or anything
but I really miss my love.
It’s been over a month and A half and still all of this is going on.
I just can’t wait until everything feels okay again.

Im just happy and sad at the same time and trying to come to and understanding of how that makes any sense.
I just try to enjoy the things in life that bring me happiness.. even if I am feeling down or like everything is falling apart.

I guess it’s Friday and im Alive so theirs two positive things.

I honestly don’t know where I was going with this post.
Just some early morning thoughts and feelings for you.
I apologize for this post being a little scattered and all over the place but thats basically what my mind and life is right now.